Virtual Earth: 在您的站点上免费添加 MultiMap 地图

Virtual Earth: 在您的站点上免费添加 MultiMap 地图 Chris Pendleton 最新的一篇文章 Multimap Launches Free API (And It Includes Virtual Earth) 介绍了 的新 API:

The Multimap team has released a new free API which contains lots of robust features which you can leverage in your applications. And, if you’re a licensed Virtual Earth customer you can gain access to the Multimap platform via your agreement. So, if you see something you like on the Multimap platform contact your Solution Specialist and get them crackin’ to add it to your VE contract!

So, what’s the deal with the Multimap Free API? Here are the Marketing facts:

  • We launched a new service for small businesses, personal websites and hobbyists this week.
  • The service, available for free from, provides a single line of HTML to cut and paste into a web page.
  • The user gets a slippy map in a choice of map styles (TeleAtlas, Ordnance Survey and Barts) or aerial for anywhere in the world (US included, using VE maps and aerial).
  • The pasted HTML includes four hyperlinks back to
    1. See this location on Multimap (for a bigger map, POI, business listings, etc)
    2. See this location in Birds Eye
    3. Get directions to this location
    4. Get directions from this location
  • The service is limited to 50,000 transactions per year (which we track) and cannot be used for internal apps (eg BI, CRM)

该地图 API 支持以下语言:en-US, da-DK, de-DE, es-ES, fr-FR, it-IT, nl-NL, nb-NO, pt-PT, sv-SE, ru-RU 和 zh-CN。对我们来说该 API 最实用的用途就是将其插入在页面中。试试吧:

  • 访问
  • 搜索一个地点
  • 点击 Link(地图右上方位处)

Virtual Earth: 在您的站点上免费添加 MultiMap 地图

注意:当前地图的链接是可以自由使用的,但嵌入代码是需要接受 Terms and Conditions 的。点击 Customize and Preview map 则打开新窗口进行自定义和预览。

LiveSide: Virtual Earth: Get A MultiMap Map On Your Site For Free!

直达:微软中国官方商城 - 购买 Surface、Xbox 和配件促销

1 条评论
  • tom

    very good

    2008 年 10 月 24 日 3:29 下午 回复
