微软- Yahoo! 的继续:微软坚持收购 Yahoo!

在 Yahoo! 董事会正式拒绝微软收购之后,微软现在也回复了 Yahoo!。以下是最有趣的一段:

“The Yahoo! response does not change our belief in the strategic and financial merits of our proposal. As we have said previously, Microsoft reserves the right to pursue all necessary steps to ensure that Yahoo!’s shareholders are provided with the opportunity to realize the value inherent in our proposal. “



LiveSide: Microsoft-Yahoo ping-pong continues – Microsoft stands firm with offer

直达:微软中国官方商城 - 购买 Surface、Xbox 和配件促销

2 条评论
  • Anheihuangzi

    呵呵 微软大概要多拿出上百亿美金了

    2008 年 02 月 12 日 5:59 下午 回复

  • Picturepan2


    2008 年 02 月 13 日 9:42 上午 回复
