微软与 Internet Gold 达成协议: 微软将独立运营 MSN 以色列门户

微软和 Internet Gold 集团达成协议,双方同意将由微软独立运营操作 MSN 以色列门户网站。MSN 以色列,创建于2000年,由 Internet Gold 集团和微软各自持有 50.1% 和 49.9% 的股份。

双方仍然在商讨交接以及日后可能的合作形式。在整个交接整合阶段,门户站点 http://msn.co.il 仍然保持正常运营。并且整个交接整合阶段对于所有员工、广告商以及用户的支持和维护,由双方共同完成。

MSN 门户网站网络目前已经在全球44个国家开放,而其中绝大部分的 MSN 门户都是由微软全权控股的,少部分情况是由微软联合当地国内的合作企业共同运营 MSN 的本地门户网站。2007年,MSN 以色列贡献了 Internet Gold 全年总收益的不到3%。

微软与 Internet Gold 达成协议: 微软将独立运营 MSN 以色列门户

Internet Gold 的首席执行官 Eli Holtzman 说道,在与微软合作建立及运营 MSN 以色列的过去 8 年中,双方合作都非常愉快。双方共同努力,已经将 MSN 以色列发展成为以色列国内的占有相当重要地位的门户网站。由于双方在线服务战略的调整,同意由微软独自运营操作 MSN 以色列门户站点 http://msn.co.il。并且 Eli 相信并已经预感到,这一举措对双方都有相当积极的影响。在过去的几年中,Internet Gold 集团在其他互联通信等很多领域注入了相当的精力,由此以来,MSN 以色列门户目前给公司带来的利润只占了集团总利润的一小部分。因此,目前我们决定要寻求所有发展的可能性,加强 MSN 以色列的发展。我们将继续寻找更多新的机会,并能够给公司带来更多经济效益的发展机会和可能性,而范围将不仅仅在以色列国内,我们将方言在整个国际市场。

We have been happy to partner with Microsoft in establishing MSN Israel over the last eight years. Since then, we have developed MSN Israel into a leading portal in Israel. Given the change in the parties’ online strategies we have agreed it makes sense for Microsoft to operate msn.co.il independently. We believe this is the right move for both parties and anticipate it will have a positive impact on our results.

During the last few years, the Internet Gold Group has significantly expanded its activities in a variety of communications areas and, as a result, our MSN Israel operations currently represent a minor portion of the group’s total revenues. Thus, we have decided recently to change course and seek alternatives for growth. We are continuing to actively examine new and financially significant areas of activity in and out of Israel, which have substantial growth potential and will drive our group to its next phase of business.

微软以色列的总裁,Danny Yamin 说:微软与 Internet Gold 集团在我们的在线服务业务上的合作相当的愉快,现在是个相当合适的时机,并且我们双方也都觉得是时候分开并独自运营,使双方都能在以色列市场上各展拳脚。我们对于微软接手 MSN 以色列门户后的发展前景相当乐观,并看到了 MSN 门户网站以及 Windows Live 服务的相当不错的发展机会。作为 MSN 全球范围内的服务理念:提供最好的本地化以及国际化的服务 – 整合 Windows Live 服务 – 为用户与 MSN 以及用户之间提供更好的互动体验。我们称之为“社交门户”。我们将继续与以色列国内以及国际的合作伙伴共同提供更好的内容、更好的服务。

Our relationship with Internet Gold has worked well to establish strong foundations for our online business but both parties now feel that the time has come to operate independently to allow us both to deepen our impact on the Israeli market.

We are very excited about our future in Israel and see some fantastic opportunities for growth and development of both the MSN portal and the Windows Live services. It is MSN’s goal worldwide to deliver the best of local and international content — integrated with our Windows Live services — providing ways for consumers to interact and engage with MSN and more importantly, with each other. We call this ‘the social portal.’ Content is a very important part of this strategy and we will continue to partner with local and global premium content providers to deliver this.


Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) and Internet Gold (IGLD) Have Agreed that Microsoft will Operate Its MSN Portal in Israel Independently from October 2008

来源链接: Microsoft To Do MSN Israel Solo, Parting Ways With Internet Gold

直达:微软中国官方商城 - 购买 Surface、Xbox 和配件促销
