IE 8 将支持 WebSlices, Activities 等多项新功能

Internet Explorer 8 的第一个 Beta 包括了一些新的功能:包括 WebSlices 和 Activities。微软在 IE 8 Beta 1 的欢迎页面中提到了这两个新技术:

IE 8 将支持 WebSlices, Activities 等多项新功能

以下两端分别是微软对 WebSlices 和 Activities 的介绍:

“Developers can mark parts of webpages as ‘WebSlices’ and enable users to monitor information they rely on as they move about the web. With a click in the Favorites bar, users see rich ‘WebSlice’ visuals and developers establish a valuable, persistent end-user connection.”

“Activities give users ready access to the online services they care about most from any page they visit, and developers gain an easy way to extend the reach of their online services. It’s as simple as selecting text to get started with an Activity.”


Activities:选择网页中的文字,即可开始一项 Activity,比如:Blog with Windows Live Spaces。这与之前的微软 Live Labs 的 Entity Extraction 很类似。

IE 8 将支持 WebSlices, Activities 等多项新功能

其他还有些功能包括:新的收藏栏,自动崩溃恢复,增强的反钓鱼过滤工具。微软还没有表示何时会提供 IE8 Beta1 的下载。但下载地址已经出现(不能下载),支持 Windows Vista® Service Pack 1 (SP1), Windows Vista, Windows XP® Service Pack 2 (SP2), Windows Server® 2008 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) 系统。

下载: 官方下载地址(目前不可下载)
来源链接:IE 8 to feature WebSlices, Activities

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