招募 IE8 Beta Testers

随着 8 月份的临近,我们应该很快就能看到 IE8 Beta2 的面世,并在今年内就可以用上正式版的 Internet Explorer 8。当然,每一个正式版的软件产品的面世,都绝对离不开那些先期积极参与测试的 Tester 以及他们有价值的反馈意见。

今天,IE 团队的项目经理 Allison Burnett 就在 IE 博客上广发英雄帖 😀 。如果你有关于 Internet Explorer 重要的反馈意见并希望能够帮助 IE 做的更好,可以直接发送电子邮件至 [email protected] ,并在电子邮件中包含你自己的简单自我介绍以及能够成为一个有价值的 beta Tester 的理由 😛 。

另外,还可以参考 IE 博客上曾经帮我们介绍过如何提交 IE8 的反馈意见的其他途径:

  • IE8 Technical Beta – We are inviting a group of beta testers from around the world to do beta testing of IE8 and provide us with bugs.  These beta testers commit to spending time with IE8 betas and file bugs when they observe unexpected behaviors.  The IE team will be evaluating this set of bugs, looking for the most impactful bugs to all of our users.
  • Public Votes on IE8 Technical Beta bugs – We want to be transparent about the bugs reported by our beta testers, therefore the bug database for the IE8 Technical beta will be available for everyone to view and vote on issues. , You can sign up here:  http://connect.microsoft.com to view the Internet Explorer 8 Technical Beta program. (Note: registration on the Microsoft Connect site is required.)
  • Report a Webpage Problem Tool – We have released another tool to help us capture website compatibility issues.  The Report a Webpage Problem is a control that can be downloaded and installed in IE8. When you encounter a site that is not rendering correctly, you can submit a report.  We use these compatibility reports to populate our compatibility test suite with real site issues seen by users around the world. 
  • Automated Customer Feedback – Internet Explorer uses an automated system to collect real-world data about the causes of customers’ pain—primarily about crashes and hangs, as well as data that gives us a picture of how IE8 is being used in the real world.  The IE8 betas will be opted in by default to Customer Experience Improvement Program, so we can use this automated data to inform us on issues that are affecting beta customers at large. 
  • IE Beta Newsgroup – This new newsgroup is the all-in-one place to discuss items about IE8 betas.  Our Microsoft MVPs and IE team members will monitor this newsgroup.

相关链接:Wanted: IE8 Beta Testers

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