微软最新数据中心将建于 West Des Moines

微软和爱荷华州共同宣布了最新微软数据中心的位置:位于爱荷华州 West Des Moines, 坐落于 Booneville 路与Xavier 路交汇处的西南部(点击下图打开 Live Search Maps 查看),该数据中心主要用于微软的在线服务:

The data center, described as the place “where the internet lives,” is expected to house large-scale, worldwide Web services for Microsoft’s online services business. With the growth of audio and video applications, social Web sites, mobile devices and other Internet demands, data centers are becoming increasingly important as companies strive to increase online computing support centers to provide users with enhanced Web services.

微软最新数据中心将建于 West Des Moines

根据微软数据中心服务总经理 Michael Manos 介绍:该“下一代”数据中心将会招 50-75 名员工(年薪 7 万美元),占地 42 英亩。另外,爱荷华州州长称,该数据中心是世界最先进的,尤其是在节能方面。

LiveSide: West Des Moines, Iowa is “Where the Internet Lives”; site for newest Microsoft data center

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