
微软将成为华尔街日报的独家第三方广告提供商,包括:华尔街日报在线,Barrons.com,MarketWatch.com,AllThingsD.com 以及其他站点。根据微软官方消息:

“This deal is a significant win for Microsoft for two key reasons. First, it makes the extended Microsoft advertising network the premier destination for advertisers interested in reaching financially minded users, as it complements our offering in this vertical through MSN Money and other syndication partners,” 微软广告商和发布商解决方案高级副总裁 Brian McAndrews 说。“Second, this deal is a strong indicator that we’re gaining significant traction with our advertising platform. The Wall Street Journal Digital Network is one of the largest financial services publishers in a very dynamic vertical segment, and we’re delighted to add it to our portfolio.”


还有一些微软的新闻,微软最近还宣布了Mayo Clinic 合作开发用户健康管理工具的消息,并且使用 HealthVault 平台。我们很高兴看到微软最近的这几项的合作,但更希望见到 adCenter,Health Vault 和 Live Search 方面的进展。

LiveSide:Wall Street Journal signs up with Microsoft for Contextual and Paid Search advertising

直达:微软中国官方商城 - 购买 Surface、Xbox 和配件促销
