最近,Windows Live 的消息并不是很多(Live Wave3 即将开始)。今天,我们来看看一个与 Windows Live 无关的项目:Task Market,该服务是微软亚洲研究中心的项目。Task Market 旨在创建一种 Craigslist 模式来满足一些简单的商业计划,比如:写作,编辑,翻译,或者设计。在 Task Market 发布一个职位,或者寻找一个你感兴趣的职位,并可以通过 PayPal 支付或收费用。
In its ten-year history, Microsoft Research Asia has grown into an organization that employs over 350 researchers and engineers, has welcomed more than 2,500 interns, has awarded over 250 Microsoft fellowships, has published over 1,500 papers for top international journals and conferences, and has achieved many technological breakthroughs. We have extended the scope of our university relations programs by establishing joint labs with universities in Asia, conducting joint research programs, and hosting top-notch visiting professors at our lab. These relationships have allowed us to create new opportunities for both Microsoft and the academia in the Asia Pacific region.
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2008 年 06 月 05 日 3:52 下午