微软 Office Live Workspace 团队今天为 David Austin 颁发了 10 万美元的大奖,Austin 是从数千名参与者名单中被随机选出的。该活动是从 Office Live Workspace Beta 开始全世界范围 Beta 测试开始的,获奖者可以利用这些钱赞助慈善,投资教育,或者创业。
该活动共有超过 30000 份奖品,每天、每周都会送出,其中包括:Xbox 360 Elite,三星 Blackjack II 智能手机,30GB Zune,Expedia 宾馆优惠券,以及 Microsoft Office Professional 2007。
另外,与 David 同在华盛顿大学的 Eisenberg 教授在其日常教学过程中也使用到了 Office Live Workspace 的共享和协作功能:
“Office Live Workspace allows for highly secure access of documents and collaboration among my students, and between my students and me. The collaborative properties of Workspace are beneficial in that my students are working more efficiently — there’s no flooding of e-mail inboxes with multiple drafts of a common document, and when working on a project together they’re able to see other classmates’ changes to documents in real time.”
他的文档和课程教材都存放在 Office Live Workspace,并通过 Office Live Workspace 管理项目。
官方公告:Winner of $100,000 Microsoft Office Live Workspace Sweepstakes Selected