西雅图时报:MSN/Windows Live 将继续在 Red West

西雅图时报的技术编辑 Ben Romano 今天发布了一条有趣的新闻:MSN 和 Windows Live 产品团队将不会搬离 Red West(Red West 在微软雷蒙德园区的西北方几英里处)。

西雅图时报:MSN/Windows Live 将继续在 Red West
Red West, Live Search Maps 3D

已有传言说,至少 MSN 和 Windows Live 部分团队会搬至 Bellevue 的新微软园区,但是部分因为新 Advanta 的设施容不下所有的 MSN 和 Windows Live 的团队,因此决定不搬。微软发言人 Lou Gellos 在一封电子邮件中写道:

“It’s true that the [MSN/Windows Live] group was considered to be the candidate to move to Advanta, but is not moving to Advanta,” writes Microsoft spokesman Lou Gellos in an e-mail. “… The reason is that, ultimately, it was decided that a move to Advanta would actually split the group. Not of all them would move. So they’ll stick together at RedWest. No word on which group may move to Advanta, though, as is the case in all of this activity, a number of scenarios are being considered.”

LiveSide: MSN/Windows Live to remain at Red West, says Seattle Times

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