利用 ZapMessenger 解决 Messenger 安装、卸载问题

Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger) 的不少问题是需要重新安装解决的,或者是不习惯新版想改回旧版 Messenger,但卸载不彻底无法安装低版本 Messenger。为此,Jonathan Kay 开发了一款 Messenger 完美卸载工具 – ZapMessenger

In some cases the installer can’t be found in the Control Panel’s Programs applet or has become damaged with a Catastrophic failure (0x8000ffff) error or the Windows Installer is prompting for a missing .msi file which you can’t find anymore.

With all this in mind, I developed ZapMessenger – the one step tool to completely remove Windows Live Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Messenger 5.x. The first thing ZapMessenger will do is attempt to cleanly uninstall Messenger normally and if that fails for any reason, it will forcibly remove Messenger from the Windows Installer engine allowing you to reinstall at your leisure without hindrance.

下载 Zip 文件,并执行就可以开始使用叻。注意:ZapMessenger 只卸载程序,不会删除个性化内容(头像,自定义表情等)。

利用 ZapMessenger 解决 Messenger 安装、卸载问题

若需要卸载微软的 Messenger,ZapMessenger 是值得考虑的一款工具。 😛 有时微软的 Windows Installer 引擎也不可靠,推荐用 Windows Install Clean Up 工具清理卸载失败的程序。

来源链接:Solving Messenger install, reinstall and uninstall issues with ZapMessenger

直达:微软中国官方商城 - 购买 Surface、Xbox 和配件促销

1 条评论
  • Amanda

    人家黄丝带~他要卸载就来个黄色大闪电额?果然~~怪不得 Messenger 能被 X X 的如此干净~~

    2008 年 11 月 27 日 9:13 下午
