Windows Live OneCare Family Safety 站点已经更新了界面,而这次的更新并不是很明显,很多用户都没有发现更新。
OneCare Family Safety 官方博客:
Most of you will not notice any changes, as this is mostly a bug fix release. One important piece of what we shipped includes a web page which will convert your MSN Premium Parental Controls family to Windows Live OneCare Family Safety if that is something you choose to do at this time. Under normal operation this website will help you complete this process in just a few steps, with very little information needed by you (the parent) in order to complete successfully.
除了 bug 的修复之外,还推出了一项新功能:将 MSN Premium Parental Controls 导入 Windows Live OneCare Family Safety。访问 ,只需几步操作即可完成整个导入过程。
官方公告:Website Update