Windows Live 服务真的恢复了?仍有问题?

Email Support Space 博客就最近一直出现的 Windows Live 服务不稳定事件发布了一篇日志。我们很高兴看到服务恢复了,也很高兴微软能发布日志解释。以下是主要的内容:

February 28

WIndows Live ID and Hotmail Service Restored

Good afternoon everyone –

We’ve been busy working to restore our services after the recent downtime, and by our estimates, nearly all customers are once again able to sign in with their Live ID and access services like Hotmail and Messenger.

There is a very small group of customers who are still unable to login, but we’re hoping to restore that final bit of service Thursday afternoon (today), PST. If you are a member of this group, once you log in, you will see a message from us “Hotmail Customer Support” with some specific information about your experience and instructions if you need more assistance.

No service provider likes their service to be down, and we do everything possible to avoid it and then mitigate when it happens. I am especially grateful for your patience and good humor during these times.



很感谢 Michael 能发布这么一篇日志告诉我们目前的情况,但愿 Windows Live 服务真的恢复正常了,不要再出现大范围的无法登录访问的情况。:P

LiveSide: Windows Live service restored (again?, still?)

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1 条评论
  • Socrates


    2008 年 02 月 29 日 11:47 下午 回复
