Hotmail 部署缓慢,遭遇工程问题?

今早,Windows Live Hotmail Technical Support 博客发表了一则消息,但很快又删除了,文章如下:

We are aware that some Hotmail customers are experiencing an issue seeing their folders with the new Windows Live Hotmail. The Microsoft engineering team is actively investigating and working on a solution.  In the meantime, we are asking customers to please switch their browser font settings to medium.  This is a temporary workaround. We apologize for the inconvenience and will notify you when the permanent solution is identified.

主要问题是,当用户在查看新版 Hotmail 文件夹时会出现问题,但将浏览器的字体改为中等即可解决,当然这只是临时的解决方案,官方团队正在努力修复。

这几天我们对新版 Hotmail Wave3 的关注也不少:Windows Live Hotmail 将支持添加其他邮箱帐号?关于新版 Windows Live Hotmail 的更多介绍新版 Hotmail 已经出现了。不少人已经用上了新版,有趣的是,他们并没有遇到官方所说的这类问题。

很显然,这次 Hotmail 部署没有按照计划进行,但愿一切顺利。

LiveSide: Hotmail slow to release, experiencing engineering issues?

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1 条评论
  • Joan

    how long it gonna be take? is there any solution now? It's too slow to open the mail box, and sometimes I wrote a long article and then sent it to my friend, but the server said" out of time", it's really drive me crazy, please give us the sulotion asap, it's not the ideal mail box to use, I will consider another supplyer if this situation can't get solved recently. So as other users I think.

    2010 年 04 月 26 日 11:18 上午 回复
